What a circle we have, too. It's not an exclusive one, I think, more of a group of guys trying to entertain, to get those random LOLs and LMAOs. Whenever I write something, I always ask myself whether or not I think you're going to enjoy it, as i do with others here too. You, mapthis, kuke, wulf, nate, fan are one of the main reasons that I just can't let my post drop into simply mediocre. You guys challenge and entertain me, and I try to do the same. It is also a great thing to know that some of the people I respect the most around this place, for their talent, creativity, wit, humor, intelligence are going to click on one of my posts and give it a chance. Thank you for that.
There's no real way to sum up what you've brought to my experience here at wotmania or my life in general. It's safe to say that, in part, I owe some of my style and presence here to you. Just like many authors are influenced by their peers, I've definitely learned a lot from you. If I'm ever 80 and still writing, I'm certain to think... would Jack think this was funny? I was never a very funny guy, and I most definitely couldn't write "funny," but... well, I'm getting better.
Not only that, but I know that we have share a lot of common interests and thoughts about things. One day, I certainly hope to meet you in person. I think that'd be damn cool.
Anyway... congrats on the 20K, my friend. As ever, you're on the leading edge. On that day in the possible future when Mike pulls that plug, I bet I get more laughs than you.
Nice to know we're thinking along the same lines.