Just so some of you know, I'm not going to tell you about the time I helped my minister chase the DEVIL out of a used-car salesman and I realize that I can't just convert you all by hitting you with some BIBLE.
Getting SAVED is not like putting 75 cents in a machine and having a can of diet Fresca roll out the bottom.
But my Christian roomate and I did have a Wiccan over for a BBQ. We did Kabobs and put extra toothpicks through the pineapples so they looked like CROSSES!
My roomate knows the Wiccan from work and she was pretty nice--for someone who is HELLBOUND--even though she smoked cloves. Weird.
I dumped my loser boyfriend after a $40 dinner. No more casting my pearls before that SWINE.
You have a great day everybody. I love you!
Thank you, Lord, for Second Virginity