Gabby I wish she were still around more. She sure was fun in the chat room.
Gavroche He answered my OF post on Les Miserables and it was a great answer. I think his IQ is somewhere up in the 200's but he doesn't talk down to me. He is just fun.
Gena SedaiShe has her own little niche on the board. People like to answer questions about themselves and she is there to do the asking. I picture her smiling alot.
Geoff Oh ho. I am detecting a pattern with the "G's" It seems that G names are synonymous with genial geniuses. And even if I misspelled that Geoff is too nice to point it out. You can't imagine what a dorky grin I had when I heard he and Steph were getting married. I love it when two great people find eachother. Those kids will not be able to help having a good sense of humor.
I owe much to Gwenhwyvar. It didn't take that much time on her part but I have gotten hours and hours of enjoyment from the answer she gave me on a post requesting help in finding classical music I would like. I had already heard of Dvorak's 9th or I would be indebted to her for that as well, but she is the one that turned me on to Rimsky-Korsakov and "Pictures of an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. I will love her forever for taking the time to answer my post. Forever. ~goes off to listen to Sheherazad for the millionth time~
high on saidar
Best word to describe her is "spunk". The girl has spunk. She got flamed horribly when she first started on the site but she stuck to it. I admire her for that. And her spelling is improving. May she always keep her chin up.
Another poster that left a hole when he left. He was a kick.
{QUOTE}idiotsavant I haven't seen him in ages. Whatever happened to him. He had an interesing perspective on things.
I love the Simpsons. Therefore I love Ironclad's Simpsons quote of the day! Anyone that likes the Simpsons enough to do that has to be cool.