I have no problems with that, the main problem that I have is when people try to use science to support their views or to silence evolution. Believing in god is an act of faith, those who try to prove otherwise are merely showing their LACK OF FAITH.
Then you went and said that. Dammit! (Yes, I spelled it wrong because I pronounce it that way sometimes, to seem more southern, like I'm missing a tooth or something.)
People who limit themselves to logic, reason & "facts" can never understand that a person with faith doesn't care what their proof is. Proof isn't necessary when you have faith. That's what faith is: believing without proof.
Something people often forget, though, is that fact is a very problematic word. Nothing is fact, save perhaps for things previously recorded (but recorded how? And interpreted how?). Anything else, things that haven't yet occurred, are merely highly-probable events. It's not a fact that the sun will "rise" tomorrow. It's just a likely thing to expect, given our understanding of the solar system. We won't know for sure that the sun will rise until it does. Similarly, it's possible (though the chance is so small as to be non-existant) that I'll fall through my chair, as the molecules in my chair and myself, in constant flux, could somehow line up in such a way as to no longer support me. Again, it'll never happen, but we won't know that for sure until the chair is destroyed or I am. Until one of those two things happens, I'll just have to get by on my faith that what we hold as facts will continue to occur.
Anyone who places all their faith in facts should always remember that facts are subjective, and across time, the way of judging facts has changed. What once was sufficient proof is often not, now, and 100 years from now, the claims of someone like The Logic Ninja may be laughed at as infantile.
Sorry TIP, but you always feel it's necessary to spout logic at anyone who purports their faith round here, so I just thought I'd put things in perspective.
*awaits snide response*
Arok Manok - Ex-admin Extraordinaire
Future Post-Apocalypse Warlord
I'd rather be throwing a frisbee right now
This message last edited by Arok Manok on 4/12/2004 at 1:34:06 AM.