Adrian- a nice fellow from down under, we both vastly differ on a few issues, but we were able to discuss our differences on an non-flammable forum. That certainly counts for something in my book.
Aemon- great gaming admin.. Enjoys soccer, as do I, but he's in a league, alas, I am not. Talked with him a bit in chat, a good fellow to be around... In the cold regions of cyberspace.
Aerocontrols- A man who's at the top of his game with alot of political issues. A resource wizard; I think he's got three arms or at least types 5,000 words a minute, throws up some interesting links with statistics and figures.
We have different ideologies on several issues, however, he's a swell guy and very conversational, even when he's a bit grumpy.
Alana & AlannaDawn- Nice ladies who participate on the OF MB. Good insightful comments and down to earth honesty. Or maybe its just Alana that I've heard from on the OF. Shoot! My bad!
Alric SiVenta- As I've said before, he's from Minnesota, can't go wrong. Good admin and all around swell guy. Nice to see him holding the fort on the OF front. Can't say enough of how much his presence his appreciated.
Archtelamon- A solid Wolfe fan from what I remember. Somewhat lies within the shadows. Contributes a few times to our OF discussions. Another nice fellow.
Arok Manok- We differ greatly in ideology but still its good to see him when he contributes to the OF MB. Again, as with aero, despite our differences, still a nice guy.
A's.. Any more, I'm sure there is, I'm a lousy typer, and I'm always afraid all my posts won't go through once I go beyond the 20 minutes.
The B's...
B. Alicia- a sweetheart, very kindhearted and a nice woman.
Bad Ash- fun fellow to talk with in chat and had some funny stuff on the Comm MBs.
Bcondray- Regular OF contributor. I enjoy his posts.
you know you can't leave Wotmania. It's kinda like herpes, you can just never really get rid of it.