A wotmaniac I know IRL as well, since she's my friend's little sister....doesn't come here a lot, but she's a lovely girl
Seems like a nice guy....likes football. Always a plus
Apart from the fact that he calls the best sport in the world by the wrong name, even though he loves it, he's a cool guy. Funny.
Haven't seen Aeneas in a while, but that might just be me not paying attention. Cool posts.
Always has thought-provoking, interesting posts. I rarely agree, but that's ok, because his opinions are always well-argued.
Used to be in chat a lot. Haven't seen in ages.
Has good posts. I particularly liked the post on Angel/Buffy on OF a few weeks ago.
Really nice and friendly person
Cool posts. Lots of threadjacking, but always funny
Does lots of good work on OF, seems like a really nice guy, and shares my interest in medieval culture
We had so many funny misunderstandings when we were both in chat......TOO MANY people called Jen! She's really nice...where is she, anyway?
Very nice, seems wise, too, and someone I'm looking forward to meeting this summer.
Ah...Sjoerd. What can we say about Sjoerd? He's nice, he's funny, and he supports Heerenveen. 'nuff said
An admin who doesn't do a lot Good writer.
Very nice person, although I don't know her very well.
Spoken to her in chat a few times, she's nice
When I read posts on the WoT board (not all that often, mind you ) they're usually his. Good work
Christian Lovely guy, very friendly and nice and smart
you know you can't leave Wotmania. It's kinda like herpes, you can just never really get rid of it.