A scientist, which is cool in itself.
It’s too bad that I didn’t get to meet you (blame the President’s scholarship committee) and won’t go to Georgia Tech. Matt’s smart, very informed, and sweet. I enjoy his current events posts- it gives me an excuse to come to wotmania more often. This is one person that is a wotmania constant, fortunately.
Nice girl, and a lawyer with a sense of humor. I had fun meeting you, you should have assignments that take you to NY more often! I’ll agree to disagree on the political issues .
Alesandra Sedai
I don’t see you around anymore, but you’re witty. I expect you to be successful.
I haven’t talked to you in a while, but you’re a kind and compassionate person. Come visit New York! We’ll hang out.
I don't know you that well, but you are a familiar name and are consistently nice, friendly, and helpful.
Alric seVinta
You’re cool. Always nice. You actually followed my recommendation, which is really the most that I could have expected.
I don’t know you that well, but you seem nice.
An other fantasy regular. Also, has worthy opinions on the Dune series!
Always nice and helpful, I don’t see you around that much anymore. I’m sure that you’re enjoying yourself at Cornell.
I ehjoyed your posts, they were always funny.
You should continue writing, or at least making some headway. Keep on improving your writing skills.
you know you can't leave Wotmania. It's kinda like herpes, you can just never really get rid of it.