Active Users:466 Time:08/09/2024 12:12:23 AM
Re: A-B Dodge. - 02/05/2004 04:24:01 PM



I remember talking to Louise way back when. She was always a friendly little soul, who brightened the chat room when she entered. When, about a year ago, I stopped visiting chat completely, I unfortunately lost contact with her. I believe she’s the lucky sister of both Queen_Of_Borg and Fluxia Sedai, and I vaguely some “war” where I was on her side, but it’s entirely possible that I was drunk, on drugs, and asleep when that happened.


Jolly pleasant chap. Despite having been here over a year, I, unfortunately, really can’t pin down any absolutely defining characteristic or quirk of his - I think he tends to hang out in survey-type posts which I tend to ignore – but I really appreciate his presence. He’s replied positively to numerous posts of mine, always positively, and with what I imagine to be a grin on his face. As I said, nice bloke.



Admin of something called the, uh, “Gaammmees Board”. Yeah, I have no clue, either.


I’ve always liked Matt. Once, long ago, he stood up for me when the whole Board was trying to eat me alive, and thus he became my hero. I imagine him to have long hair, wear sunglasses indoors, and to go flying around in a cape fully bonking Totally Evil™ people. He has a great sense of humour, and his profile pictures and signatures are among the best. It really goes without saying that he is one of the cleverest people to grace wotmania, who presents political arguments/humour for our enjoyment consistently. One of the people I’d like to get to know better.



Alana is fantastic. Truly fantastic. I’ve never seen anyone else with a remotely similar style of writing and communication. She is one of the most articulate, eloquent and expressive posters, with the tinge of humour that makes her unique. Her babbling skills are legendary, and I have Malkier’s Fish Thread saved because of her. I only wish she’d stop by more often.


I used to speak to AD when she first arrived on the site, and really continued to do so until she came to England. After that, like with Adami, I lost contact with her after I stopped visiting chat on a regular basis. On the Message Board I sometimes catch one of her bubbly, cheerful surveys or posts, which always seem to inject “fun” back into the atmosphere. Lovely person.

Albert Thor*

Alesandra Sedai


Alex the Chosen

Woah! What happened to the dude with the Soda? I fear wotmania may have swallowed him alive, well, Simon’s Thread may have, anyway. Two years ago, whenever anyone would log into chat, Alex would be there. Grinning. Ready top fight with his Soda Granada Super Launcher Supreme, or some such. Very cool guy, who I miss not having around anymore.


Alexia is an excellent writer, who is good looking to boot. She can usually be found in a survey, I think she may even have a little bed and a garden there, and indeed I think I first met Alexia in one of those “[w]hat XXX are you” surveys I used to write. Forgive me.

But those were fun times.

Since then, we’ve both grown, and as I said before, Alexia has grown into a truly excellent writer. If anyone takes a peek at Writer’s Pad/Fiction Post, be sure to check her stuff out.


Just seeing the name brings a slight smile to my face. His “Robert Jordan™” thing over on the Wheel Of Time MB was complete genius. I was in absolute hysterics. And however many times I edited the post with further warnings to proceed with caution, still more people replied seriously. Heh.

Anyway. Since then, Alf has become a valued member of our community. A cult icon among modern-day thread jackers, his posts are always excellently phrased and almost always entertaining. I hope he decides to stick around so I can get to know him a little better.

Alric Rahl*

Alric seVinta

The television stations are reporting Alric is in the middle of pre post modern Rome, slaying iguanas for the good of the planet. Of course they’re wrong. He’s actually trying to sell some wotmania products there: a guitar made handmade by mapthis, which sings and plays percussion at the same time.

Go figure.

Anyway, Alric, as I’m sure everyone else has remarked, is one of the nicest people I know. He controls Other Fantasy with an iron f… actually, just an iron. His threads on Community are always extremely enjoyable, and recently he’s joined a couple of our conversations on AIM. I’m extremely glad to call him a friend, and I wish him the best of luck searching for a job.


Spoonman’s Aes Sedai.



When I first arrived at wotmania, Amyrlin really scared me.

Nothing has changed really.

Actually, I don’t know Amy very well at all, but I appreciate all the threads she made about Kory, and I enjoyed her Agony Aunt joke posts. Another one of the people who I must really make an effort to get to know better.

an hava inn


I thought an hava was a female and I asked to see him in the bath one time. As you do. Yeah… moving on…


((((0))))__ ((((0)))) Cooooomme baaaaack.

Angus MacFatty*



I believe anonymous_sedai is Craig’s significant other, and if not, well, this won’t be embarrassing will it? She seems like an extremely pleasant person to me, and one who I’d really like to know better.



Arok Manok

Josh is by definition cool, and I’m truly glad to work with him on the wotmania Team. He is a great “Team Player”, and is one of the “characters” on the Team MB who brightens the place up. He is extremely articulate, coherent and rational, and is definitely one of the people who you’d like to reply to you with advice/feedback on the Writers’ MB. Cool bloke.

Ashaman Udi*


Nat is great. She can breathe life into chat just by entering. Unfortunately I don’t really get the chance to speak to her so much anymore, but when I do it is always a pleasure. Whether you need advice, or wish to be amused, Nat’s yer gal. A very good and controlled chat moderator IMHO, too.


Heh. Aviendha and her smileys are extremely amusing. She’s a great person, and Excal is extremely lucky to have her – just thinking of those two makes me smile. Anyway, yesh. Witty, and extremely = Avi.


Balwer is a dark horse.

No… he’s actually a horse.


Brad is one of my favourite wotmaniacs. He is one of the people that keep the WoT MB ticking, and we are extremely glad and grateful for his insight and presence. The way he praised Mike was hilarious, and when he left the site a while back it just wasn’t the same. Wotmania needs Brad. He is a caring, kind, gentle individual, who is a valuable member and contributor to wotmania.



An excellent contributor to the Theory Post, and more recently to political/economics discussion on the Community MB.


I look and smile. Boli is an extremely helpful individual, who replied for ages in the RPG thread with tips, thoughts, and guidance.e.e also taught me how to cleverly edit my profile, for which he has earned “hero” status in my books. Sorry, dude.


I’m truly sorry Burr isn’t around anymore. He is the Admin I strive to be. He almost single-handedly ran the Theory Post, sending feedback and replying to turned-away theories, plus a great admin of both the WoT and Community Message Boards. On the Team MB his posts were fantastic – indeed, I’d love it to be opened up just to give ya’ll an insight into his true character. I’m glad he’s doing well in the Army, and I wish him ever success in the future.

~ The Artful Dodger ~
-The One Who Dodges Art-

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The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 04:12:36 PM 2816 Views
Ok good thing I dont know too many A/Bs - 27/04/2004 04:26:29 PM 199 Views
Dear Lord this list is getting long... - 27/04/2004 04:28:04 PM 124 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 04:39:43 PM 98 Views
Sunshine floats a dandelion wine. - 27/04/2004 04:47:35 PM 138 Views
Ahhh... Jeebus - 27/04/2004 04:50:41 PM 108 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 04:51:31 PM 51 Views
Ok... - 27/04/2004 04:55:30 PM 89 Views
Go Project go! - 27/04/2004 05:12:56 PM 63 Views
Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo! - 27/04/2004 05:16:05 PM 92 Views
*NM* - 27/04/2004 05:16:12 PM 93 Views
Wow. So few people I actually know. - 27/04/2004 05:18:10 PM 61 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 05:24:51 PM 57 Views
Quicky answers (with additions now) - 27/04/2004 05:25:12 PM 129 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 05:37:04 PM 44 Views
**************************************** - 27/04/2004 05:38:01 PM 104 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 05:39:59 PM 62 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 05:44:13 PM 47 Views
I'll try to start. (after a while) Who are all these people? - 27/04/2004 05:46:26 PM 53 Views
crikey. let's see... - 27/04/2004 05:52:24 PM 47 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 06:05:58 PM 93 Views
Good lord, not this again! - 27/04/2004 06:11:28 PM 76 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 06:15:35 PM 59 Views
- 27/04/2004 06:32:07 PM 37 Views
Here we go! - 27/04/2004 06:33:18 PM 33 Views
If I had a point for every name on these lists - 27/04/2004 06:34:30 PM 43 Views
well, i'm off to a good start - 27/04/2004 06:38:47 PM 44 Views
I've gotta be NICE!.....whathafuh!.... - 27/04/2004 06:45:15 PM 46 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 06:46:24 PM 43 Views
Abba! - 27/04/2004 06:49:01 PM 64 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 06:57:32 PM 48 Views
I think I need to talk to more people... - 27/04/2004 07:01:11 PM 39 Views
Man you miss a few hours and you're wayyyy down the list - 27/04/2004 07:01:43 PM 63 Views
wow.... I really dont know anyone do I.... - 27/04/2004 07:03:43 PM 44 Views
*stars at giant list in horror* too many - 27/04/2004 07:04:02 PM 29 Views
I've been waiting for this. - 27/04/2004 07:17:01 PM 43 Views
Here we go..[Edited] - 27/04/2004 07:24:16 PM 74 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 07:29:39 PM 47 Views
A to B. - 27/04/2004 07:31:21 PM 40 Views
.oO0Oo. I love you people .oO0Oo. (EDIT 2: Finally, My Thoughts) - 27/04/2004 07:34:18 PM 83 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 07:42:51 PM 59 Views
Daunting Task... (Finished!!) - 27/04/2004 08:08:09 PM 71 Views
- 27/04/2004 08:22:34 PM 37 Views
I got a hug! - 27/04/2004 08:24:38 PM 1 Views
yay project time - 27/04/2004 08:38:54 PM 34 Views
A's and B's... - 27/04/2004 08:58:37 PM 33 Views
I cannot resist the call of The Project. - 27/04/2004 09:22:10 PM 64 Views
*Is astonished by how few he knows* - 27/04/2004 09:25:18 PM 26 Views
Finally! - 27/04/2004 09:30:10 PM 43 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 27/04/2004 09:37:58 PM 38 Views
~breaks your kneecaps~ - 27/04/2004 09:41:41 PM 1 Views
*gives it a try again* - 27/04/2004 10:11:25 PM 57 Views
Bugger! Who are all these people? - 27/04/2004 11:15:39 PM 69 Views
#$%&(@*#$ - 27/04/2004 11:16:57 PM 71 Views
I know almost none of you really - 27/04/2004 11:58:08 PM 25 Views
I'm new here - 28/04/2004 12:12:27 AM 42 Views
i'm so slow. - 28/04/2004 12:15:09 AM 55 Views
not many I "know," but here we go.... - 28/04/2004 12:30:36 AM 24 Views
My entries - 28/04/2004 12:45:22 AM 46 Views
Absolutely Beautiful - 28/04/2004 02:04:28 AM 50 Views
Yay! project time - 28/04/2004 02:15:21 AM 57 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 02:28:52 AM 32 Views
project - 28/04/2004 03:09:49 AM 28 Views
A is for apple. B is for bonda-*cough* boat. - 28/04/2004 03:28:46 AM 36 Views
Only people who matter get on my list. - 28/04/2004 04:03:41 AM 46 Views
Dear mother of God, the list will swallow us whole!!! - 28/04/2004 04:19:23 AM 29 Views
Two things - 28/04/2004 05:23:42 AM 1 Views
You know I'm only doing this - 28/04/2004 05:39:40 AM 61 Views
Rawr. - 28/04/2004 06:19:26 AM 49 Views
I think I need to socialise more with A-B's - 28/04/2004 06:26:14 AM 45 Views
whoow, looots of people! - 28/04/2004 07:20:03 AM 33 Views
I do like this, even if I never write much... (Edit.) - 28/04/2004 07:34:09 AM 30 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 07:42:04 AM 34 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 07:43:30 AM 24 Views
Ha.. I wouldn't blame me.. - 28/04/2004 07:52:17 AM 1 Views
Bring. It. On. - 28/04/2004 08:38:28 AM 48 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 08:39:29 AM 40 Views
ok, i only know one.. - 28/04/2004 09:02:42 AM 34 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 09:10:45 AM 71 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 09:23:51 AM 35 Views
*hugs* Glad to make the cut *NM* - 28/04/2004 09:27:38 AM 1 Views
My very first Project - 28/04/2004 09:34:10 AM 28 Views
*deep breath* - 28/04/2004 10:34:23 AM 40 Views
To those I know - 28/04/2004 10:53:51 AM 26 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 10:57:58 AM 40 Views
Anton Callidar isn't on the list!!!!! - 28/04/2004 11:17:06 AM 54 Views
You don't want to know... - 28/04/2004 11:17:49 AM 35 Views
Oh the smilies abound, don't they? - 28/04/2004 11:54:37 AM 1 Views
classic! *NM* - 28/04/2004 12:04:25 PM 1 Views
So, SO true.... - 28/04/2004 12:10:28 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 12:17:58 PM 47 Views
A to the Heezy B! - 28/04/2004 12:20:32 PM 33 Views
I know. - 28/04/2004 12:25:08 PM 1 Views
Oh dear... - 28/04/2004 12:25:34 PM 55 Views
Let me tell you the answer - 28/04/2004 12:50:02 PM 1 Views
Hang on a second..... - 28/04/2004 12:53:55 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 12:55:43 PM 37 Views
Because it's conveniant. - 28/04/2004 12:57:21 PM 1 Views
Aww Eric - 28/04/2004 01:18:48 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 01:26:46 PM 38 Views
9 - 28/04/2004 01:28:36 PM 35 Views
Just let me know... - 28/04/2004 01:38:00 PM 1 Views
Wow! I matter! Thanks ! *NM* - 28/04/2004 01:39:10 PM 1 Views
took me a couple hours but i did it! you guys rule! - 28/04/2004 01:46:51 PM 76 Views
Burr's in The Air Force? I didn't know that. *NM* - 28/04/2004 01:54:20 PM 1 Views
A is for cookies, that's good enough for me. - 28/04/2004 01:59:19 PM 51 Views
ROFL!!!! Anytime, Man. No Problem! - 28/04/2004 02:10:48 PM 1 Views
Now that... - 28/04/2004 02:11:00 PM 1 Views
Most definitely ::claps:: *NM* - 28/04/2004 02:15:26 PM 1 Views
As to that... - 28/04/2004 02:23:27 PM 1 Views
Beefcake! - 28/04/2004 02:28:39 PM 1 Views
You never seen that episode of South Park? - 28/04/2004 02:52:07 PM 1 Views
Oh, I saw it, but... - 28/04/2004 03:05:57 PM 1 Views
A-B - 28/04/2004 03:15:11 PM 48 Views
Well... - 28/04/2004 03:25:47 PM 1 Views
Damn. - 28/04/2004 03:27:21 PM 1 Views
Yeah. What they said ^^ - 28/04/2004 03:47:38 PM 28 Views
Wha, tha, fuh! - 28/04/2004 03:49:15 PM 1 Views
Re: Damn. - 28/04/2004 06:10:06 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 06:10:10 PM 42 Views
A great start? - 28/04/2004 06:27:25 PM 1 Views
Sucks when you take a 9 month hiatus from this place... - 28/04/2004 07:01:54 PM 46 Views
Just a couple of observances, I'm pretty new - 28/04/2004 07:22:15 PM 33 Views
Re: Daunting Task... (Finished!!) *NM* - 28/04/2004 07:54:48 PM 1 Views
Whoops, I guess I didn't have to hit "submit" too... *NM* - 28/04/2004 07:55:43 PM 1 Views
Haha, I've been here and still don't know anybody. *NM* - 28/04/2004 07:59:02 PM 1 Views
Very nice, man! *NM* - 28/04/2004 08:01:41 PM 1 Views
LOL - 28/04/2004 08:08:36 PM 1 Views
man, im so full of crap that i could do this all day. - 28/04/2004 08:25:58 PM 1 Views
im gonna do this for each wotmaniac, - 28/04/2004 08:28:28 PM 1 Views
i love compliments - 28/04/2004 08:30:21 PM 1 Views
thanks *NM* - 28/04/2004 08:33:25 PM 1 Views
dont i know it - 28/04/2004 08:35:25 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 09:04:07 PM 38 Views
Awesome. - 28/04/2004 09:14:03 PM 1 Views
And away we go.... - 28/04/2004 09:33:13 PM 46 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 28/04/2004 09:35:49 PM 44 Views
Re: **************************************** - 28/04/2004 09:36:50 PM 1 Views
Where have you been? Missed you around here. *NM* - 28/04/2004 09:38:36 PM 1 Views
What?!?! - 28/04/2004 09:55:00 PM 1 Views
He is.. see the link - 28/04/2004 09:55:33 PM 1 Views
MOSTLY awesome? *NM* - 28/04/2004 10:31:44 PM 1 Views
Re: What?!?! - 28/04/2004 11:00:22 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - started to the tune Eons ~ 311 - 28/04/2004 11:37:07 PM 56 Views
here's a few - 28/04/2004 11:51:33 PM 70 Views
Either you don't know me.. or don't like me... - 29/04/2004 12:41:35 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 29/04/2004 12:57:54 AM 1 Views
Hey. I don't believe it's a crime ... - 29/04/2004 02:14:47 AM 1 Views
WHAT? - 29/04/2004 04:31:39 AM 1 Views
b. - 29/04/2004 05:08:20 AM 55 Views
*worships Amy* - 29/04/2004 06:42:02 AM 1 Views
okay, I give up. I'll do it. - 29/04/2004 07:44:11 AM 39 Views
Alpha Bravo - 29/04/2004 08:57:46 AM 38 Views
Mostly just making sure I graduate high school - 29/04/2004 10:56:49 AM 1 Views
Gosh! - 29/04/2004 11:21:35 AM 31 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 29/04/2004 12:21:07 PM 33 Views
Geez. So many people I don't know! - 29/04/2004 12:39:29 PM 22 Views
Yeah, I remember this stuff.... - 29/04/2004 12:46:37 PM 30 Views
Late, but here. - 29/04/2004 01:16:26 PM 31 Views
I posted a pre-project list - 29/04/2004 01:22:00 PM 1 Views
enjoy *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:29:13 PM 1 Views
Wow... maybe I should get out of the RPG messageboard more often... - 29/04/2004 01:36:01 PM 28 Views
Clearly, if you have nothing to say about me. - 29/04/2004 01:39:22 PM 1 Views
Some good folks - 29/04/2004 02:18:37 PM 34 Views
Wish I knew more people *NM* - 29/04/2004 05:14:44 PM 7 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 29/04/2004 07:15:55 PM 23 Views
Better late than never - 29/04/2004 09:20:44 PM 45 Views
Oh heeeelllll no. - 29/04/2004 10:38:09 PM 66 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 29/04/2004 10:54:47 PM 23 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 29/04/2004 11:20:41 PM 23 Views
Of course. - 29/04/2004 11:49:05 PM 1 Views
To be fair, Nate... - 30/04/2004 12:17:48 AM 1 Views
Dont' read this..It's drivel. - 30/04/2004 12:35:57 AM 1 Views
Joins the tear jerk! - 30/04/2004 02:14:18 AM 26 Views
Re: YAY!! Man there are a lot of good ones in here! - 30/04/2004 06:49:32 AM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 30/04/2004 06:52:56 AM 1 Views
Now THAT is good drivel - 30/04/2004 06:53:53 AM 1 Views
- 30/04/2004 06:59:18 AM 1 Views
! - 30/04/2004 07:03:02 AM 1 Views
Belt!? LOL Thanks - 30/04/2004 07:04:58 AM 1 Views
- 30/04/2004 07:07:50 AM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 30/04/2004 07:09:30 AM 1 Views
actually it's neither - 30/04/2004 07:38:53 AM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 30/04/2004 07:45:35 AM 22 Views
My turn now... - 30/04/2004 08:19:57 AM 36 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 30/04/2004 11:16:04 AM 18 Views
~sniffs in a manly manner and makes excuse about dust in my eye~ - 30/04/2004 12:25:40 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 30/04/2004 12:29:25 PM 20 Views
- 30/04/2004 02:07:13 PM 1 Views
Thank you! *NM* - 30/04/2004 03:13:38 PM 1 Views
Thanks...~hands you a cold beverage of your choice~ *NM* - 30/04/2004 03:25:22 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 30/04/2004 07:27:00 PM 24 Views
So you're the reason? *NM* - 30/04/2004 07:49:11 PM 1 Views
same here. *NM* - 30/04/2004 07:50:41 PM 1 Views
Ahem? - 30/04/2004 09:30:00 PM 1 Views
Just jokes *NM* - 30/04/2004 09:42:10 PM 1 Views
Angel! - 30/04/2004 09:58:32 PM 1 Views
Hum de dum de doo. - 30/04/2004 10:22:00 PM 24 Views
Re: - 01/05/2004 12:08:55 AM 67 Views
my responses. - 01/05/2004 12:47:13 AM 25 Views
Am I allowed to do this, still? - 01/05/2004 04:58:33 AM 40 Views
Re: Am I allowed to do this, still? - 01/05/2004 06:23:37 AM 1 Views
Better late than never - 01/05/2004 06:51:44 AM 21 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 01/05/2004 07:36:04 AM 22 Views
*faints* - 01/05/2004 08:06:35 AM 38 Views
*NM* - 01/05/2004 12:30:15 PM 1 Views
Like a belly button? *NM* - 01/05/2004 01:21:17 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 01/05/2004 05:40:16 PM 27 Views
Alpha Bet. - 01/05/2004 09:26:28 PM 44 Views
Well, better late than never, I guess - 01/05/2004 11:40:37 PM 57 Views
*awesome hugs* *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:47:31 AM 1 Views
Submit them? NEVER! *tacklehugs'n'kisses* *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:52:26 AM 1 Views
LOVE *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:54:23 AM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 02/05/2004 06:22:52 AM 23 Views
Hey its back.. gotta make sure i fill it out - 02/05/2004 09:27:45 AM 24 Views
Finally. I'm sorry this is so late, - 02/05/2004 12:16:32 PM 34 Views
Re: Joins the tear jerk! - 02/05/2004 02:54:45 PM 1 Views
~swoons~ She called me darlin'. - 02/05/2004 03:42:11 PM 1 Views
Okay. - 02/05/2004 03:56:44 PM 21 Views
*NM* - 02/05/2004 04:20:43 PM 1 Views
Re: A-B - 02/05/2004 04:24:01 PM 63 Views
I'm most honored. You are beyond being an assest yourself. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:32:50 PM 1 Views
And I am more than honored to be called your friend. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:35:19 PM 1 Views
Thanks. NB me sometime. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:37:00 PM 1 Views
NIce to be young Grasshopper. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:39:24 PM 1 Views
It is. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:46:45 PM 1 Views
Same to you. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:52:07 PM 1 Views
Just an inbred trait, don't ya know. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 04:54:18 PM 1 Views
Thanks. NB me sometime. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:01:20 PM 1 Views
Thank you kind sir. Now, go clone yourself. - 02/05/2004 05:03:59 PM 1 Views
Same to you. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:05:27 PM 1 Views
Well......... - 02/05/2004 05:10:47 PM 1 Views
Same to ya...Queen of Sweeties. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:12:35 PM 1 Views
trigger knows best. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:14:05 PM 1 Views
I'm the thread man. Thanks. Be well. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:15:43 PM 1 Views
*NM* - 02/05/2004 05:29:04 PM 1 Views
Thanks Zerah. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:30:03 PM 1 Views
Much appreciated. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:31:15 PM 1 Views
Back at ya. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:32:12 PM 1 Views
Gracias. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:33:20 PM 1 Views
I'm very much honored you feel that way. To be in Alric's - 02/05/2004 05:35:15 PM 1 Views
That means a great deal to me Messy. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:36:25 PM 1 Views
Same to you. *NM* - 02/05/2004 05:38:55 PM 1 Views
lets see... - 02/05/2004 06:53:52 PM 23 Views
You put a star next to my name?! - 02/05/2004 07:32:43 PM 1 Views
Umm, excuse me, but... - 02/05/2004 07:37:03 PM 1 Views
Two things - 02/05/2004 07:50:10 PM 1 Views
But, - 02/05/2004 07:56:56 PM 1 Views
Aren't they written in the heavens? *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:09:10 PM 1 Views
And you are coolness Squared. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:12:40 PM 1 Views
But me no "buts" - 02/05/2004 10:13:04 PM 1 Views
Takes one to know one. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:16:00 PM 1 Views
Should I take this seriously? Thanks for the kind words. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:18:13 PM 1 Views
I'm proud to know you. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:19:30 PM 1 Views
Much obliged. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:20:46 PM 1 Views
I'm so eld that I remember having to post on a rock keyboard. - 02/05/2004 10:25:10 PM 1 Views
I really do appreciate that. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:27:36 PM 1 Views
Means a lot to me. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:28:56 PM 1 Views
And you are very special yourself..dude-etta. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:30:46 PM 1 Views
Back at ya. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:33:24 PM 1 Views
Thanks, old softie. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:34:38 PM 1 Views
Lately... Like a frog on a hot griddle. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:36:20 PM 1 Views
I bet you stay pretty and turn that new into cool. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:37:37 PM 1 Views
Bama ain't so bad...well not like Mississippi. Thanks. - 02/05/2004 10:40:22 PM 1 Views
Now..that can really get to a man's pride. Thank you. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:42:57 PM 1 Views
I agree with the rest. Amazing. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:45:01 PM 1 Views
You are an angel. Thank you. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:48:18 PM 1 Views
You are an untouchable component of this place. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:50:09 PM 1 Views
~waves~ I'm here now. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:51:22 PM 1 Views
Schweet. And not Swisher. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:52:59 PM 1 Views
Nice knows nice. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:56:01 PM 1 Views
Thank you very much. *NM* - 02/05/2004 10:59:50 PM 1 Views
Appreciate that. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:00:59 PM 1 Views
You are as fine as the silk on the bed of an Empress. Thanks. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:03:32 PM 1 Views
Awesome. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:05:47 PM 1 Views
thank you snoop. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:06:53 PM 1 Views
May a thousand blessings rain on you today. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:10:41 PM 1 Views
I hope you always feel that way. Peace... *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:13:18 PM 1 Views
May your stay be long and fun. You're cool, too. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:15:20 PM 1 Views
I'm gonna be around here more often. I miss people like you. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:17:15 PM 1 Views
Thanks ..O Sage of Oz. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:18:49 PM 1 Views
Thanks Alfie old Pal. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:22:53 PM 1 Views
Thank you very much. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:24:08 PM 1 Views
Thanks, Old Buddy bud. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:29:34 PM 1 Views
Back at ya. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:31:55 PM 1 Views
Thanks...Shazz-Dog. *NM* - 02/05/2004 11:34:44 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 03/05/2004 02:30:56 AM 31 Views
Greetings to all! - 03/05/2004 05:09:40 AM 19 Views
Awww Kaz - 03/05/2004 12:11:05 PM 1 Views
Shows up late to the party - 03/05/2004 01:50:28 PM 27 Views
Now I remember why I like B.Alicia and Bcondray! - 04/05/2004 11:40:57 AM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 04/05/2004 12:12:12 PM 19 Views
Finally......... - 04/05/2004 05:11:08 PM 32 Views
~baska in the love~... Back at ya. Thanks. - 04/05/2004 05:24:36 PM 1 Views
*gives it a shot* - 04/05/2004 10:00:24 PM 23 Views
Re: Finally......... - 05/05/2004 01:30:57 PM 1 Views
The question is, did you take my advice? *NM* - 05/05/2004 08:29:08 PM 1 Views
Aww! - 05/05/2004 08:31:08 PM 1 Views
I would.. but I'm not getting questions *NM* - 05/05/2004 08:32:15 PM 1 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 06/05/2004 03:26:34 AM 26 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 06/05/2004 05:42:27 PM 1 Views
Sorry, this is late. - 07/05/2004 01:46:48 AM 25 Views
Gotta start at the beginning - 07/05/2004 09:30:25 AM 17 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 09/05/2004 12:44:29 AM 23 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 11/05/2004 06:12:10 PM 1 Views
I'm - 11/05/2004 11:48:31 PM 19 Views
All My Friends - 12/05/2004 01:46:16 AM 28 Views
Re: The Project~~A-B - 12/05/2004 07:15:59 AM 13 Views