... of the revolutionists.
It is rumoured that in November 1989, when masses in East Berlin peacefully demanded the opening of the Wall, GDR´s gouvernment considered a "Chinese Solution". Dunno how serious this is to take, though.
Or does it more depend on the goal of the movement?
In a certain way. Could you imagine demanding peacefully that all "men with connected eyebrows" should be slaughtered? The term in inverted commas is to be replaced by the ethnic/racial/lingual/whatever minority of your choice.
There have been many movements though the years, and it seems that the answer is different with the circumstances.
Yep. It seems to be the case, however, that peaceful revolutions achieve a wider acceptance. This is most important if it gets to the question what is to be done after the revolution succeeded. A leader that has waded knee-deep in blood is sometimes a little hard to acknowledge for neighbouring states. Plus in our complex society it is all but impossible to keep everything functioning without help by former rulers or their minions. The latter being somehow hard to get if those people are a litle short of heads.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)