If you get a * next to your name, it means I recognize your name, and think you're an okay/cool person, I just don't know you that well.
Eclipse Horsey!
edgecutionerYeah, who are you? Some guy... yeah, whatever. *wanders off*Love you TONS! And Mookie, too! *feeds Mookie* One of these days. One of these days. ^_^
Eladar Ectheledhel*
Elayne Trakand*
Eyeless Myrddraal TIM! Pipe boy! *hugs* Can't wait to meet Your Pipesness in August. You're a fun guy, and I've always enjoyed talking to you. God bless!
Catriona, Countess of Options
Still searching for that one great love...
Eternal Wotmaniad Fangirl
But now you're cooler than Mr. T. - OA
For Kory and Joe: