Catriona Sedai
You were like my surprise toy at the bottom of a box of cereal. I had no idea you were coming, but once you were there, I could well have bought the cereal just for you. Or... uh... okay, my analogies suck. Let’s pretend that one didn’t happen.
Awwwwwwww, but it was cute! I liked it! Made me feel special.
You’re a decent person, Jena. You’re funny, totally nifty, and it’s a good chat whenever you’re around. I’m glad I met you, and I hope you don’t mind too much if I consider you a friend.
*punches you in the arm* Why on earth would I mind? Silly, Josh.
Catriona, Countess of Options
Still searching for that one great love...
Eternal Wotmaniad Fangirl
But now you're cooler than Mr. T. - OA
For Kory and Joe: