75 smileys soooooooooooooooo. . . . .
Which is your favorite ?I like the jester smiley
and trolloc of course
Which one do you use the most ?I'm thinking either the trolloc or approve.
Which one do you think is used most on wotmania ?ergh, big grin
Is there a smiley absent here in this list that should be added ?There's no kissing smiley? I was dissapointed by that just al ittle. that'd be a good addition, I say we go for an even 80.
Did you realize there were that many smileys ?actually no, I thought I'd fit close to half of them in the title thread
Isn't this the most colorful post ?he he he he
That's all thank you ¡ åm ‡h€çråz¥†®ø££øç
I'm a bad trolloc