Cuase the Canadian amazon rocks.
Plus you guys have got a much better understanding of things like basic health care etc.
But what will happen is that US companies will seep into your economy (especially the media) linking it to the US and US business cycles.
Once that happens you may as well be a US state
(Austrlaia is basically becoming a US state as well so i understand your concern).
I'm not saying it will happen in the next few years, but it will slowly happen over the next 50 years.
Smaller nations will need to join with the larger ones otherwise they will not be able to compete internationally. They will increasingly rely on imports from low cost countries and their exports will be to expensive to compete.
As technology gets cheaper countries like China & India and South American countries will take over from other industrialised nations as manufacturers as thats where the multinational corparations can make the most profits.
Do yourself a favour start buying shares in companies that specialise in international logistics