I will never become an American! I don't care how you dress it up we would be nothing more than the poor cousins! The Americans would come up here take all our resources for themselves and leave us nothing. We are a nation not to be absorbed into the states! We maybe similar to Americans but that does not make us Americans. We have our own culture and ways. Canadians the world over are loved and respected. Americans are basically hated. Do we want to become targets for terroists? Do we want our sons and daughters dying for American wars? NO! We might be overshadowed like Greg said, but those other nations don't want to be absorbed by their bigger more powerful nations anymore than we do.
I just read an article in McClean's magazine today on a poll that was conducted on how Canadians and Americans feel about each other. Basically it stated that relations between our two countries are at an all time low and that Canadians are becoming more intorlerant of the states and Americans. We are glad that we did not join in the Iraq war. Most Canadians think Americans are arrogant and that in part America's foreign policies helped to bring on 9/11.
I hope we never become part of the states. How right wing and religious the states is becoming is just scary, I want no part of it.