I see Alf over on the Wot Board every now and then. Not too often though, but just enough to stir things up a bit I like his sense of humor. And deep down, he really kind of likes us over there. That's why he comes to give us good natured grief now and then. Right Alf?
Alric seVinta
I don't know Alric at all, but I do know he is one of the OF Board's big contributors.
Brad is one of those true gentleman who make the Wot Board such a great place. And it nevers fails that when the Board seems to be languishing, Brad comes along and posts one of his character development goodies or a survey or two and gets things going again. He's got a great sense of humor too! I'm very pleased to be getting to know him a bit.
Brown is Best
I always like to read her posts on the Wot Board. There always informative and often quite funny. Very smart gal too; definitely in the right Ajah!
Everybody's Auntie MJJ-like it or not
Dylanfanatic: My Left-Handed Duckling of Darkness
"I know something from books"
"Books? But how can you know it from books?"
"Oh you're right; I know nothing nothing nothing!"