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Ack! Alfheim - 29/04/2004 11:03:23 PM

Honestly, to me Canadians are Americans with more liberal doctrine in Ontario and Quebec and the east. The western states are even more like America.
That part is true, especially that latter statement. But sorry, as an American you just don't understand what it means to be Canadian. And it cannot be explained. As one, you might view us as liberal Americans, but there is something... fundamentally different about us.

And its just like Scotland with England, New Zealand with Australia, and Canada with the US. A huge neighbor that swallows their smaller neighbor and dominates it culturally.

I am all for this phenomenon as I do not see it wrong. I grow tired of the Canadian atitude of at least we are not American. Canada has much in common with the US, especially New England and northern Midwest.
Oh especially New England, yes. I rather enjoy most of that area, from my visits down there. And I can see why you tire of it, but really it should strike a chord with you. While stretching this reference a little thin, as a minority you should have some understanding of how hard it is to maintain yourself and identity amid the American melting pot. Which is in and of itself, a large difference betweeen our two nations. America is the "Cultural melting pot" but Canada is a "Cultural mosiaic." It's hard to explain... it's one of those things you just know.

I would be very happy to see a union eventually down the road along the lines of Europe. Canada really has no choice but to tie its fortunes to the US. It is just too small to matter otherwise.
I disagree.

On an island where no one lives,
We build a treehouse together.


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Paul Martin's Choice: Stand up for Canada, or give in. - 29/04/2004 10:39:47 PM 235 Views
Perhaps you would be less against this - 29/04/2004 10:45:16 PM 47 Views
I seriously doubt it. - 29/04/2004 10:52:18 PM 31 Views
Sorry I dont have much sympathy. - 29/04/2004 10:57:43 PM 32 Views
Ack! - 29/04/2004 11:03:23 PM 27 Views
What a silly comment - 30/04/2004 10:27:47 AM 13 Views
egocentric imperialist swine. - 29/04/2004 11:42:00 PM 24 Views
Heh. - 29/04/2004 11:43:51 PM 17 Views
i never said i didn't. - 29/04/2004 11:53:03 PM 13 Views
I didn't say you didn't. - 29/04/2004 11:57:00 PM 11 Views
i never said you said i didn't. - 30/04/2004 12:00:20 AM 9 Views
You implied as much. - 30/04/2004 12:02:40 AM 9 Views
oh, i believe. - 30/04/2004 12:07:28 AM 8 Views
Quite right. - 30/04/2004 12:10:50 AM 9 Views
Yeah come to Australia - 30/04/2004 12:13:02 AM 9 Views
Silly Aussie. - 30/04/2004 12:17:42 AM 9 Views
yay! - 30/04/2004 12:16:42 AM 7 Views
Yeah, you probably can't get rid of them. - 30/04/2004 12:18:38 AM 7 Views
sounds like fun. - 30/04/2004 12:22:23 AM 7 Views
I'd prefer a penninsula. - 30/04/2004 12:25:10 AM 8 Views
yes! - 30/04/2004 12:38:30 AM 8 Views
You've touched a cord with me here Greg - 29/04/2004 11:46:32 PM 23 Views
Actually I dont - 30/04/2004 11:30:53 AM 8 Views
He better stand up, or I'll boot his bottom - 29/04/2004 10:49:39 PM 15 Views
Excellent. That's my locale. - 29/04/2004 10:53:51 PM 11 Views
of course its just the job issue - 29/04/2004 10:58:54 PM 9 Views
Yeah, it sorta sucks. - 29/04/2004 11:04:58 PM 8 Views
well, maybe I'll try english - 29/04/2004 11:10:41 PM 6 Views
I'll show you around if you ever make it up. - 29/04/2004 11:15:31 PM 6 Views
yes yes, it was nice - 29/04/2004 11:20:02 PM 6 Views
Yes, and Canada is always the right direction. - 29/04/2004 11:24:31 PM 6 Views
yes yes it is *NM* *NM* - 29/04/2004 11:30:07 PM 4 Views
Oop. - 29/04/2004 11:35:30 PM 6 Views
oops *NM* - 29/04/2004 11:55:49 PM 4 Views
No worries. *NM* - 30/04/2004 12:06:32 AM 3 Views
I hope your side wins. *NM* - 29/04/2004 10:58:20 PM 5 Views
Yeah.... bastardos. *NM* - 29/04/2004 11:08:04 PM 3 Views
What??!! No Way! - 29/04/2004 11:52:00 PM 15 Views
I fully agree. - 29/04/2004 11:58:22 PM 9 Views
Also silly - 30/04/2004 10:48:22 AM 9 Views
Not Silly, patriotic - 01/05/2004 12:45:13 AM 7 Views
I have a different definition of patriotic, I'm afraid - 01/05/2004 02:03:49 AM 7 Views
Hmmm.... - 02/05/2004 04:45:51 PM 4 Views
As much as it sucks - 29/04/2004 11:52:16 PM 24 Views
I dunno... - 30/04/2004 12:01:33 AM 13 Views
I really hope it doesn't - 30/04/2004 12:11:33 AM 9 Views
L.O.L - 30/04/2004 12:16:57 AM 20 Views
Re: L.O.L - 30/04/2004 12:29:31 AM 13 Views
Sad to say but Conservative policies mean more $$$ - 29/04/2004 11:53:40 PM 27 Views
Yes, but most people here aren't too concerned with that. - 29/04/2004 11:59:38 PM 17 Views
Yeah 9-11 happened here - 30/04/2004 12:16:32 AM 15 Views
I know, thus begins American fascism. - 30/04/2004 12:23:10 AM 11 Views
Just admit you're just a political and economic satrapy of the US - 30/04/2004 12:27:31 AM 31 Views
American. *NM* - 30/04/2004 12:31:22 AM 4 Views
Never!! - 30/04/2004 12:33:43 AM 22 Views
Yes. Let's give him to the Jewish. - 30/04/2004 12:34:32 AM 19 Views
Your books cost more too...haha! - 30/04/2004 12:51:42 AM 18 Views
no country would willingly do this - 30/04/2004 12:50:26 AM 20 Views
Unabashedly proud American here - 30/04/2004 09:17:31 AM 17 Views
F*cking eh! - 30/04/2004 06:43:21 PM 5 Views