That's why I'm at school. Anyway, a brief overview of things I know about.
Interesting things I know about, in no order:
~Stage Managing [includes a large part of theatre, directing, lights, sound, etc]
~Biology [a large portion of that is Marine Biology]
~Sailing [large boats, small boats, wind surfing]
~Spanish [how to speak it, read it. Enough to communicate]
~Music [quite a bit; I played piano for six years or so. Includes dynamic parts of music, how to play music, various composers, and how to take apart a piece of music and analyze it]
~Art [can name artists, can draw, etc]
~Anime [vague understanding]
~Fantasy [books, of course. Some games. ]
~Advertising [more than I should know]
~Mythology/Bible stuff, etc
Then Math, History, English, etc. School classes.
I seldom fling children from towers to improve their health.