Even though he did not include me in the As and Bs, I still like ya! And you are one lucky fellow with Lil. She is adorable. Oh, but this is supposed to be about you. You are hot. There is that.
Egwene the Dreamer
Very Generous and Kind. (Don't know why I used all caps!)
Eladar Ectheledhel
Luke is a great guy! Cheerful, kind and an all around good guy. Also he has a lot of energy; it is sometimes lacking around here.
Elayne Trakand
I hear VERY good things about you from everyone. That must mean you are awesome!
SO nice!
Erik the Nefarious
You ARE Nefarious. As billed!
Very nice, and not a female!
Your posts fascinate me. They are either very funny.. or very interesting. Either way, keep up the good work.
Eyeless Myrddraal
AH TIM! I LOVE TIM! HE is SO KIND and GOOD and wonderful! I cannot say enough good things about you!! YOu make me smile and make wotmania a much better place!
There are three mikes and I love you ALL!!! You are amazing. You crack me up too!! I love seeing you when you make time and hang around in chat!
Fantasmo de Matrimonio
My ghostly warded pal! I miss you so! You never come around anymore and it makes me sad. You are funny, smart and kind as well as very insightful. *big hug*
Recently I realized how very nice and sweet you are.
You are very artless and open. I appreciate that as well as your very unique and fascinating view on the world. Plus you make Larry happy, which makes me happy!
File Leader
Good fellow! *nods*
Gotta love ya!! *hugs* You are quite nice and misunderstood, like me.
Very very nice and admirable lady