Eatbugs is an odd person. Sweet, and nice. Just odd too.
I catch Eclipse in chat occasionally. He's a fun person to be around, as he's always starting interesting topics of conversation.
Edge was one of my first friends here at wotmania. He got me into no end of trouble, but I've since forgiven him for that. Seriously, he's a great guy, classy, smart, and resourceful. I've had the pleasure of meeting him a couple of times, and it was fun times.
Eladar Ectheledhel
EE is another of my chat buddies. He's always so friendly and cheerful, which makes chat a much more entertaining place to be when he's around.
Elayne Trakand
Elayne is one of those people that can put a smile on your face with just a 'hi'. It's a shame I do not see her around as much anymore.
I think a good portion of the points I currently have were the product of this young woman's generosity. For that, I am thankful.
Nyn is another chat buddy I've gotten to know over the course of a few months. She's a lot of fun. She was supposed to meet up with us last August, but decided she had better things to do. Ah well, perhaps next time.
Erik the Nefarious
Heh. Despite his crude exterior, lack of manners, and all around trollish behavior, Erik is a great guy. No, really, he's a remarkably smart person with some unique approaches to different things. I certainly enjoy our conversations.
Another of the chat clan here. Sadly, I don't know him well.
You mean this isn't an alt sn for someone? I could have sworn this was Aero.
Excalibur is someone I see around here constantly, yet haven't really met. He's seems to be a good person with an openmindedness on issues. However, he is an LSU fan, so I'll reserve judgement on him till after I meet him.
Eyeless Myrddraal
The Eyeless one is a tremendous amount of fun to chat with. He's smart, interesting, and creative. And he gives me points.
I met the Fanster this year.. or maybe it was last year. Sunshine is as entertaining as billed. He is very articulate, and extremely well read. I don't think there are too many people as intelligent and creative as he is, which, here, is saying a lot. I enjoy Fan's company, whether in chat or MB. Vote for him in this year's election, please.
Fantasmo de Matrimonio
I think this is Matrimony Cauthon, right? If so, then I'll have to say, he is very intuitive. Rarely as it may be, I do occasionally wander on over to the Theory Post, and Matrimony's theories are among some of the most understandable and reasonable.
Farmboy is like my little brother. He's so much fun to talk to, whether it's about his girl troubles, or his.. well.. girl troubles. Giving advice to him actually makes me feel like an adult even, so I have him to thank for that.
Another chat buddy. Feline Huntress has that innate quality that makes her an instant hit with everyone.
Also a chat product, Floffe is someone I don't know as well as I should.
I can only assume this is Fluxia Sedai. If so, she is a witty and funny young woman who will do well in life.
Warder to Spettio
Mike Mackert stalks you on myspace.