eatbugs - Ah, Jess. My ever-lovely non-sexual concubine, how I adore you. Truly. You're one of my favorite wotmaniacs and I always enjoy chatting with you. You're funny and smart and slightly insane, what's not to love? If any wotmaniac could turn me straight, it'd be you m'darlin'. When I get to Oz finally, you'll be one of the first I go lookin' for.
edgecutioner - The king of newbie spammers, at least that's how I'll always think of you. You definitely have your moments, edge, and I'm glad you're around here. You make it more fun and interesting.
Elayne Trakand - Haven't seen you around in a while darlin'. You should come back more often, it was good when you were around.
elfin_princess - Steph, I hardly know you, but I hear only good things. I hope you come back some day soon so we can bask in your royal splendor.
Evangeline - My very favorite christian proselytizer, though I'm sure you're something of an agent provocateur. Your posts are always amusing. Keep it up.
excalibur - You're a good guy, David. I enjoy all of your non-sports posts. You're smart and funny and I hope Avi can induce you to stay here in the U.S. permanently. We'd be better off with you here. You already make wotmania a better and more interesting place.
Eyeless Myrddraal - You should post more, Tim. You can be very funny and smart.
failemustdie - Ah Maciek, why do you never post anymore? This is one of your best pseudonyms, you should use it more.
Fanatic - Fanny you're geat. I always love reading your posts. I wish you'd post more 'cause you're funny, smart, and interesting.
farmboy - I don't know you all that well, Brad, but you're a funny and interesting guy. I enjoy your posts.
If It Makes You Happy
Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?