since religion is, in part, the values of various communities, I see no legal problems if:
1) The Charter of Rights is inviolable.
2) The matter at hand is civil not criminal.
That's ridiculous. For one thing, it panders to the large religions and screws the smaller ones--what's a wiccan going to do for divorce? And I'm an atheist, do they have to have special laws for me? And there's thousands of branches of major religions, many very different--laws for each of them, too?
If you're passing a law, it should be because that law *should be there* on a national scale. Splitting it up between the major religions ain't right.
I am not certain on this myself but how can you be certian that the arbitration law pertains to Sharia alone?
This message last edited by Monotonous Mantra on 4/29/2004 at 4:23:36 PM.