Funny. Boohbah. Weird sense of humor, which is appreciated.
Another one of those crazy wotmaniacs that I met. He's a lot of fun, and infinitely patient with people whose only purpose is to torment him half to death. Great guy, wish him best of luck with his move-out-being-on-own-ness.
Elayne Trakand
Love you Aimee!! Miss youuuu, you're excellent + missed + wonderful.
One of the original friend crew. Steph's one of the greatest people ever, and a virtual baby boy-factory (well, she was, anyway). Her kids are lucky to have her as a mom, because she's the kind of cool mom every kid would want. Also, she's kick ass in non-momming duties as well.
Eyeless Myrddraal
Tim-head! Another one of those brilliant British boys who's going somewhere-somewhere. Great sense of humor, friendly, talented. Woo Tim!
Very good at seal-hunting. (Oh yeah, smart,funny, Canadian, etc)