I like her posts, always funny and I've always heard good things about her
Seen his posts though I don't really know him, nice guy and a good laugh
One of my favourite wotmaniacs always makes me smile...without fail. Intelligent, funny and always friendly (if not always to me). On the down side, she's Irish, if she could only get over that I wouldn't have a single bad word to say about her.
funny posts, tart
Evil, he keeps trying to get me in trouble with Druid (or should that read more trouble?). Great person, a fellow sports lover and hater of Man Utd. Half of one of the sites cutest couples. I'm glad to have met him, not least as he is a fellow Brit
Eyeless Myrddraal
Nice guy
Fan, gotta love him...great sense of humour, it's always a loss when he goes off for a while
Never post in a post that he has replied in, it stays sat at the bottom of the board for ever....
Don't really know him apart from that, but seems like a good guy
Seems to be another mad Nordic type, in a good way
Fluxia Sedai
Almost accidently deleted her...i'm blaming the lack of Sedai for throwing me off. Always friendly and funny, nice to see her around
same disclaimer as my response in A-B, go read it or just blame Druid
John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone
Patternweaver's fiancé