As always, a * means I do know the name, however, I don't feel I know you enough beyond the name to comment
edgecutioner interesting fellow....and truth be told, I enjoy reading his posts many times now adays He's got a good sense of humor
Eladar Ectheledhel*
elfin_princess Prolly one of the MOST missed of the missing at Wotmania. Intellingent and insightful. She's friendly, fresh and fun to have around (Oooooooooh, the 3 F's )
Eniariom Sweet and kindhearted
Erik the Nefarious I'm glad I've gotten to know him. He's a good guy who can put his own spin on things and often make you see them in a different light. He doesn't do the "peer pressure" thing.
Eyeless Myrddraal*
Fanatic Interesting, always interesting. He's intellingent and thoughtful, and he can phrase things in way that make you take a second look and sometimes reevaluate what you were saying
farmboy My boy! He's got a great sense of humor, is friendly and kind.
feline_huntress Sweet and friendly
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
Missed and loved
Kory Joe