Active Users:470 Time:08/09/2024 12:09:46 AM
Re: Lol. golden_lily - 11/04/2004 10:29:41 PM

I know. And we did a marvelous job of it, didn't we?
and now we're both back on...are those posts calling to you too?
XX( David got to you?! Return to the dark side!
lol sorry! it won't happen again, i promise!

"Goddamn it! Who gave Max Payne the power to channel?" - Edge
"Max Payne is officially Naeblis!" - Maddy

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*gives you a skim,double iced mocha with whipped cream and sprinkles* - 11/04/2004 05:29:16 PM 385 Views
oh, sure, give them something I got *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:31:37 PM 10 Views
oh hush - 11/04/2004 05:32:40 PM 1 Views
yay sprinkly goodness *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:36:37 PM 1 Views
Thanks! - 11/04/2004 05:37:44 PM 14 Views
Wears his pants on his head and runs around - 11/04/2004 05:37:49 PM 18 Views
put your pants on, no one wants to see that *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:38:54 PM 1 Views
What the heck is that??!? *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:38:58 PM 12 Views
coffee! really, really good coffee! - 11/04/2004 05:42:59 PM 1 Views
ummmmm - 11/04/2004 05:45:28 PM 1 Views
*pouts* - 11/04/2004 05:46:32 PM 1 Views
OOoOooOo... yummy. - 11/04/2004 05:48:14 PM 18 Views
ya know... - 11/04/2004 05:48:47 PM 1 Views
no problem *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:49:07 PM 1 Views
what?! - 11/04/2004 05:50:05 PM 1 Views
jens is such a freak - 11/04/2004 05:51:42 PM 1 Views
i wouldn't say that at all *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:52:41 PM 1 Views
*NM* - 11/04/2004 05:52:42 PM 12 Views
thanks - 11/04/2004 05:53:07 PM 1 Views
*sobs* - 11/04/2004 05:53:27 PM 1 Views
You're the BEST. - 11/04/2004 05:53:28 PM 1 Views
*giggles* - 11/04/2004 05:54:36 PM 1 Views
Yay! Danielle rocks! *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:54:43 PM 9 Views
aw thank you *hugs back* - 11/04/2004 05:55:36 PM 1 Views
Danielle rocks, but Jessie rocks more *nods* *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:56:09 PM 1 Views
Can I have coke instead? *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:56:52 PM 9 Views
Pffftt. Liar. Lying is bad. - 11/04/2004 05:57:09 PM 1 Views
Noooooooooo - 11/04/2004 05:57:31 PM 1 Views
anything for you dear - 11/04/2004 05:57:37 PM 1 Views
LOL - 11/04/2004 05:58:20 PM 1 Views
yesssssssssssssssss - 11/04/2004 05:58:29 PM 1 Views
exactly! thanks, hun *hugs* *NM* - 11/04/2004 05:59:47 PM 1 Views
Ouch.. Dissss... *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:00:02 PM 1 Views
lying is goooood! lie with me Jessie, come over to the dark side... - 11/04/2004 06:00:06 PM 1 Views
<hugs> Love ya. Bye! *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:00:08 PM 1 Views
no prob dear *hugs* *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:00:30 PM 1 Views
Does the dark side have capuccinos?! *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:00:42 PM 1 Views
it was a good diss too *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:01:13 PM 1 Views
Skim milk and whipped cream. - 11/04/2004 06:01:16 PM 23 Views
alright... - 11/04/2004 06:02:11 PM 1 Views
well duh! - 11/04/2004 06:02:16 PM 1 Views
*hugs* love ya too! - 11/04/2004 06:02:46 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:03:19 PM 1 Views
Aye.. Aye, it was.... - 11/04/2004 06:03:43 PM 1 Views
k - 11/04/2004 06:04:11 PM 1 Views
*nods* - 11/04/2004 06:05:17 PM 1 Views
Dude! Sign me up! - 11/04/2004 06:05:57 PM 1 Views
*turns around... - 11/04/2004 06:07:00 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:08:27 PM 1 Views
*laughs* - 11/04/2004 06:11:21 PM 1 Views
ok - 11/04/2004 06:13:40 PM 1 Views
*spits* - 11/04/2004 06:13:41 PM 1 Views
lol you're crazy - 11/04/2004 06:14:21 PM 1 Views
LOL! - 11/04/2004 06:15:16 PM 1 Views
i knew you'd join us - 11/04/2004 06:15:34 PM 1 Views
I love this. - 11/04/2004 06:16:40 PM 1 Views
*frowns* - 11/04/2004 06:17:39 PM 1 Views
*grins* - 11/04/2004 06:17:52 PM 1 Views
Served him right. - 11/04/2004 06:18:37 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:21:25 PM 1 Views
*nods* - 11/04/2004 06:22:11 PM 1 Views
well you are my partner in crime... - 11/04/2004 06:23:05 PM 1 Views
*feels bad... - 11/04/2004 06:23:10 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:23:43 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:24:59 PM 1 Views
aw don't leave - 11/04/2004 06:26:02 PM 1 Views
must you continue to crush my ego with your pointy boots? *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:27:01 PM 1 Views
I sooo read that as something else.. *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:28:23 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:28:37 PM 1 Views
ew jessie! *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:29:09 PM 1 Views
*gasp* - 11/04/2004 06:30:35 PM 1 Views
*laughs* - 11/04/2004 06:31:30 PM 1 Views
lemme think about that... - 11/04/2004 06:32:06 PM 1 Views
I couldn't help it! Gutter mind... *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:32:47 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:34:00 PM 1 Views
*hangs her head in shame* - 11/04/2004 06:34:38 PM 1 Views
I knew that was coming. Yessireebob. *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:34:47 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:36:02 PM 1 Views
*is sad* - 11/04/2004 06:38:01 PM 1 Views
oh, alright... - 11/04/2004 06:38:50 PM 1 Views
Well.. - 11/04/2004 06:38:59 PM 1 Views
lol yeah that's obvious! - 11/04/2004 06:39:24 PM 1 Views
of course you did - 11/04/2004 06:40:10 PM 1 Views
Quit oppressing me! *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:40:18 PM 1 Views
*smiles* - 11/04/2004 06:41:11 PM 1 Views
Isn't it? - 11/04/2004 06:41:53 PM 1 Views
alright jessie - 11/04/2004 06:42:53 PM 1 Views
Scary thing to contemplate, isn't it? - 11/04/2004 06:43:23 PM 1 Views
Ohh! - 11/04/2004 06:43:38 PM 1 Views
Good luck with that. *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:43:51 PM 1 Views
*crushes you under a pointy boot* *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:44:09 PM 1 Views
it is - 11/04/2004 06:45:07 PM 1 Views
It's a proud moment. - 11/04/2004 06:46:44 PM 1 Views
Lol. - 11/04/2004 06:47:56 PM 1 Views
Re: Ohh! - 11/04/2004 06:48:00 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:49:29 PM 1 Views
ugh... - 11/04/2004 06:50:49 PM 1 Views
very scary - 11/04/2004 06:50:59 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 06:51:36 PM 1 Views
Re: ugh... - 11/04/2004 06:51:51 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 06:53:24 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:54:18 PM 1 Views
Re: Well.. - 11/04/2004 06:54:30 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 06:54:30 PM 1 Views
Um, can I trade in for something actually, you know, good? ` - 11/04/2004 06:55:08 PM 21 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 06:55:46 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 06:57:22 PM 1 Views
Good thing I never was a good girl.. - 11/04/2004 06:57:31 PM 1 Views
Yay. - 11/04/2004 06:58:28 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 06:58:30 PM 1 Views
Screw you people, i'm starting my own thread! *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:58:38 PM 1 Views
Re: Yay. - 11/04/2004 06:59:23 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 06:59:26 PM 1 Views
Re: Well.. - 11/04/2004 07:00:23 PM 1 Views
Gee... thanks? - 11/04/2004 07:00:24 PM 12 Views
lol i totally can't picture that! - 11/04/2004 07:00:55 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 07:01:24 PM 1 Views
have a lovely time *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:01:43 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 07:03:02 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 07:06:16 PM 1 Views
*sighs* alright... - 11/04/2004 07:06:20 PM 1 Views
Good.. I would be frightened if you could. - 11/04/2004 07:07:55 PM 1 Views
[insert title] - 11/04/2004 07:08:34 PM 1 Views
We'll just take it over. *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:09:08 PM 1 Views
Re: *sighs* alright... - 11/04/2004 07:10:56 PM 1 Views
don't be scared! - 11/04/2004 07:12:18 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 07:12:49 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 07:13:53 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 07:13:58 PM 1 Views
that's what we do best *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:14:46 PM 1 Views
Aiyah! - 11/04/2004 07:16:22 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 07:16:58 PM 1 Views
Aye. It is. *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:17:38 PM 1 Views
lol - 11/04/2004 07:19:20 PM 1 Views
Mindblowing. - 11/04/2004 07:23:39 PM 1 Views
no - 11/04/2004 07:24:39 PM 1 Views
*grins* - 11/04/2004 07:26:53 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 07:29:34 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 07:32:35 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 07:36:57 PM 1 Views
Re: Well.. - 11/04/2004 07:38:55 PM 1 Views
no prob *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:41:27 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 07:52:08 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 07:54:25 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 07:54:54 PM 15 Views
- 11/04/2004 08:00:40 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 08:03:45 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 08:08:14 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 08:12:57 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 08:14:17 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 08:23:09 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 08:25:03 PM 1 Views
Re: *sobs* - 11/04/2004 09:02:56 PM 1 Views
Good thing. - 11/04/2004 09:12:33 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 09:13:33 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 09:15:25 PM 1 Views
Re: Well.. - 11/04/2004 09:16:34 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 09:20:24 PM 1 Views
Right on, Danielle. *NM* - 11/04/2004 09:22:25 PM 1 Views
me too - 11/04/2004 10:15:33 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 10:16:27 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 10:17:49 PM 1 Views
Re: Well.. - 11/04/2004 10:19:27 PM 1 Views
Quite understandably! - 11/04/2004 10:19:44 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 10:20:35 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 10:21:39 PM 1 Views
no - 11/04/2004 10:26:32 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 10:27:34 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 10:27:37 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 10:29:41 PM 1 Views
well i wasn't sure! - 11/04/2004 10:30:52 PM 1 Views
That would be truly frightening! *NM* - 11/04/2004 10:31:49 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 10:34:27 PM 1 Views
aye, it would - 11/04/2004 10:35:08 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 10:43:38 PM 1 Views
i never said i wasn't a freak! - 11/04/2004 10:55:32 PM 1 Views
- 11/04/2004 11:08:22 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 11:16:13 PM 1 Views
lol - 11/04/2004 11:20:22 PM 1 Views
LOL. I am sure I am going to. *NM* - 11/04/2004 11:26:18 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 11:27:01 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 11:28:09 PM 1 Views
Re: lol - 11/04/2004 11:31:00 PM 1 Views
you know the best cure for nightmares? - 11/04/2004 11:32:38 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 11:34:35 PM 1 Views
LOL. I shall do just that. *NM* - 11/04/2004 11:34:46 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 11:35:57 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 11:36:32 PM 1 Views
I want one too! *NM* - 11/04/2004 11:37:00 PM 1 Views
wonderful - 11/04/2004 11:37:39 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 11:38:58 PM 1 Views
Re: [insert title] - 11/04/2004 11:39:15 PM 1 Views
Re: - 11/04/2004 11:40:02 PM 1 Views
I do my best - 11/04/2004 11:40:09 PM 1 Views
Re: Lol. - 11/04/2004 11:43:08 PM 1 Views
but they're a dollar a minute around here... - 11/04/2004 11:45:44 PM 1 Views
and you do a wonderful job of it - 11/04/2004 11:47:25 PM 1 Views
I know it. - 11/04/2004 11:55:47 PM 1 Views
Re: I know it. - 11/04/2004 11:59:13 PM 1 Views
- 12/04/2004 01:53:47 AM 1 Views
*hides the cup and hopes lily doesn't notice* *NM* - 12/04/2004 04:10:19 AM 1 Views
*notices and pouts* *NM* - 12/04/2004 03:57:46 PM 1 Views
oh yeah... - 12/04/2004 03:58:48 PM 1 Views
Uhh... - 12/04/2004 04:18:24 PM 1 Views
- 12/04/2004 05:18:35 PM 1 Views
only if you serve it in your hooker boots *NM* - 12/04/2004 09:15:16 PM 13 Views
Re: - 12/04/2004 09:35:53 PM 1 Views
brilliant. *NM* - 13/04/2004 03:52:57 PM 9 Views