Don't know Eatbugs, but what I've seen and heard has been mainly good things.
Same as above, more or less.
Edge, well he's got a very interesting personality... he stands up for people he regards as friends, and for things he percieves as injustices. Edge is rather easy-going, and a decent fellow.
Eladar Ectheledhel
Pretty cool lad, and would be fun to hang around with a bit more. *tackles* I saw that, pal. He's always been nice, though a bit too down on himself for my liking. Come on, when you're as sexy as us, it's okay to advertise. As I always say, if you've got it, flaunt it.
Elayne Trakand
I haven't spoken to Elayne much, but she's always entertained with her replies to posts and various threads. She pops up when you don't expect her to, is gone again just as quickly, and leaves you wanting more.
Wow, El_Nyn. I haven't spoken to her in quite some time, but she's exceptionally nice.
Erik the Nefarious
Erik's a decent fellow, though one I haven't seen around for a while. Though others have found him a bit... chafing, I've always gotten along with this guy.
Eswolfe... He's like a European me, almost. Likes to drink and have fun, from what I've gathered. And that my friends, is the hallmark of a great man.
Oof, Evangeline. I wish I knew who you were, but your posts continually entertain. And they're getting better, no less. Keep it up, as your satire on evangelism is quite entertaining.
A very nice guy.
Eyeless Myrddraal
I don't think I've really spoken to Eyeless a whole lot, but he's always been very nice to me, and from what I've seen, everyone in general. He comes off as one of those people it would be nice to get to know better.
Pops up on the Games Board to insult Aemon. Wicked.
Oi, Fanny. Well as his little pal Alfemon, I must say my past with this unpredictable fellow has been rather diverse. I used to hate him, but I can't say I now harbor feelings anything like that. He's really smart, a great poster, a great flamer, and entertaining almost all the time.
Fantasmo de Matrimonio
Ah, Matrimony. Or Dylan. Well from what I hear, he's definitely one of our most tricky posters at Wotmania. A nice guy, though some of his pranks might stretch it a bit too far. However, he never fails to amuse, so it's all good.
Brad is pretty cool. I've not spoken to him a lot, but he's a good guy (although a little on the jealous side, from what I've noticed with Anne) but that's okay. He's very caring, and overall quite sweet. Nice catch, Anne.
Heh. She's one in a million, and her obsession with linguistics and dogs is very cool.
File Leader
Very WoT knowledgable, and seems like a good person, from the little I've seen over on that Board Which Must Not Be Named.
Fluxia ... shouldn't there be a Sedai after that? Maybe not. Either way, she's extremely sweet and one of the very nicest of Wotmania's gals. Always has *huggles* aplenty, and everyone always likes those!
On an island where no one lives,
We build a treehouse together.