For those who don't go to the OF board, and/or tend to read non OF books
1)What was (were) the last book(s) you read? What did you think of it?
The Island of the Day Before - Umberto Eco, recommended by mierin on the comm board (she was right)
Don DeLillo - Cosmoplois, very good - about a day in the life of a New York businessman, featuring unlikable charatcers murder and everything else you could want in a book.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog At Night-Time - about a boy with autism and manages to both be very happy and depressing at the same time. Well worth reading.
2)What book(s) are you reading right now?
Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake - very good so far
DBC Pierre, Vernon God Little - I'm about half way through and it is superb, I would recommened it to anyone. About a 15 year old boy in a small town in Texas during the aftermath of a high school massacre. It won a lot of awards and going on what I've read so far it deserved all of them.
David Eggers, You shall know our Velocity - over half way through and enjoying it, very similar to his last book but with world travel thrown in
3) What is on your to read list for the near future, or which book are you waiting, ever so patiently, to become available?
Don't know yet, I've got a lot of books in my to read pile and will see which takes my fancy at the time.
4) Are you going to say nice things about me in The Project?
Of course, seeing as snoop is wonderful
5) Why not?
stop being silly
John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone
Patternweaver's fiancé