1) why don't you come to wotmania? What is it that stops you sometimes?
I don't have access to a computer when I'm not here.
2) Can you name some reasons why Aviendha isn't wonderful?
3) What books wont you be reading? What is on your 'never to read' list?
I don't know.
4) What's the latest concert you swore that you wouldn't attend?
I have never been to a concert.
5) Who is the thinnest nerd at wotmania?
I don't know
6) Who didn't watch the Giants/Braves game?
I didn't
7) What aren't you wearing right now?
A hat.
I have a problem, can you please NOT help me?
9) Isn't edge a tool?
I don't know
10) Do you care why AlannaDawn gave up her points?
11) Should I have stopped at this question instead of adding an extra one for question 14 so I don't finish on an unlucky number?
thank you
You're welcome
"NOT to be here, Not to be anywhere, And soon; nothing more terrible, nothing more true" -Philip Larkin
"I was young and needed the money." ~ironclad