I like it. Looks stylized. And I know all about good pictures.
Do you see the mist in the bg? That's steam from the hot volcanic lake on the shore of which I was standing. It smelled sulphurous. Some of the steam was between me and the camera as well, which caused the blurry effect (together with the scanner). It was a very sunny day (or better: sunny moment, the weather changes fast in NZ), so the mist looked illuminated, which increased the effect.
I would love to go to NZ and Oz. Someday I will.
NZ is wonderful. I want to go there again. Oz must be nice as well. Especially the wintersport facilities.
There was a chance my company would send someone from my department to oz, but it has become rather unlikely now.
Oh Well, take the good with the bad?
Yes. I'm just grateful for the time we shared.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)