For those who don't go to the OF board, and/or tend to read non OF books
Not me! But I'll answer anyway
1)What was (were) the last book(s) you read? What did you think of it?
Just finished Dubliners, by James Joyce. Pretty good, but I had a short version with only 5-6 of the stories. Um, I also read The Drawing of the Three, but that's OF stuff I also read OHYS, in prevision of the Book Club, and Speaker for the Dead. Awesome book, that one.
2)What book(s) are you reading right now?
The Mystery of Edwin Drood. I bet I'll be depressed when the story just cuts in the middle, even if I know it will. I had that reaction to Steinbeck's King Arthur. I just started The Wastelands, and also have The Once and Future King in the works. Oh yea, and CoT, but it keeps getting relegated.
3) What is on your to read list for the near future, or which book are you waiting, ever so patiently, to become available?
Ehm, on my list is the Kundera book I picked up yesterday, To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, and I'll be wanting to finish that Dark Tower series, so all of those. I also want Iron Council when it comes out.
4) Are you going to say nice things about me in The Project?
Maaybee. Depends.
5) Why not?
Where's the rest of my points, you cheapstake?Neutral Observer
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines