Castro was, unless my memory is failing me again (and it wouldn't really surprise me), mentioned as a part of the axis of evil which Bush tried to construct. Even if that is not so, he has always been the bad neighbour, the evil just waiting to sneak into the world. Is there still a ban on Cuban sigars?
What did Castro do that was so wrong?
He did not overthrow a democratic government, like Pinochet did (and the latter was supported by the US). Hindering free speech and opposition is naturally not right, but it is nothing worse than what Batista did.
He created social services, public health, literacy increased to a very high level, improved life for his people.
He was not originally oriented towards Moscow.
Yet trade restrictions were put on Cuba, making Moscow the only thing propping up the country.
The more I think of it, the more I think that it must be one of the biggest failures of the US. Of course it is easier to look at it and see what should have been done after the fact, but still.
Had the US traded with Cuba, it might have kept it from Sovjet, and a Cuba alone might have been more amendable to democracy.
No. There is no point to this post. I was just tired of readingMagnus Alexander corpore parvus erat
Dissenting voice of wotmania
Frightfully stubborn pacifist
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
This message last edited by mierin sedai on 4/29/2004 at 11:26:42 AM.