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WhO iS tHe BiGgEsT nErD aT wOtMAnia? Style - 29/04/2004 01:51:40 AM

Let's have a nerd-off.

Cast your votes--

you can also cast a vote for yourself, but if you do, you have to give an example of why you are such a nerd.

And one last question: Is being a nerd a bad thing?

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WhO iS tHe BiGgEsT nErD aT wOtMAnia? - 29/04/2004 01:51:40 AM 215 Views
Aliena - 29/04/2004 02:08:44 AM 35 Views
Tigr *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:38:28 AM 5 Views
Back off buddy! - 29/04/2004 10:02:26 AM 11 Views
wapster *NM* - 29/04/2004 05:48:15 AM 3 Views
Tie between wapster or trigger. *NM* - 29/04/2004 08:35:02 AM 2 Views
Is this the room for an arguement? *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:27:29 PM 10 Views
I told you once. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:28:07 PM 4 Views
... No you haven't. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:28:47 PM 3 Views
Yes, I did. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:29:17 PM 3 Views
Didn't! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:30:07 PM 3 Views
Did! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:30:32 PM 5 Views
You did not! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:32:58 PM 3 Views
Oh, I'm sorry; is this the five minute argument, or the full hour one? *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:35:14 PM 5 Views
Oh, heh, just the five minutes. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:35:46 PM 3 Views
Ah, thank you. Anyway, I did. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:37:09 PM 4 Views
You most certainly did not. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:38:02 PM 3 Views
Look, let's get this thing clear: I quite definitely told you. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:39:15 PM 4 Views
No, you did not. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:40:09 PM 3 Views
Yes, I did. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:41:29 PM 5 Views
No, you did not. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:43:56 PM 3 Views
Yes, I did. *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:45:14 PM 5 Views
No, you didn't! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:46:16 PM 3 Views
Yes, I did! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:47:58 PM 5 Views
You didn't! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:48:49 PM 3 Views
Did! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:52:29 PM 4 Views
Didn't! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:53:12 PM 3 Views
Did! *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:56:16 PM 4 Views
Oh, look, this isn't an argument. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:05:46 PM 3 Views
Yes, it is. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:07:50 PM 4 Views
No, it isn't. It's just contradiction. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:08:47 PM 3 Views
No, it isn't. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:09:24 PM 4 Views
'Tis! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:09:49 PM 3 Views
Is not! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:11:58 PM 4 Views
Look! You just contradicted me! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:16:28 PM 3 Views
I did not! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:18:44 PM 4 Views
Oh, you did! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:19:28 PM 3 Views
No, no, no! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:22:37 PM 4 Views
You did just then! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:23:33 PM 3 Views
Nonsense. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:26:28 PM 4 Views
Oh, this is futile. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:28:09 PM 3 Views
No, it isn't! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:29:06 PM 4 Views
I came here for a good argument! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:31:24 PM 3 Views
No, you didn't. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:33:05 PM 4 Views
Yes, I did! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:34:11 PM 3 Views
You came here for an argument. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:35:10 PM 4 Views
Well, an argument isn't just contradiction! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:35:43 PM 3 Views
...Can be. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:36:47 PM 4 Views
No, it can't! An arguement is a connected series of - 29/04/2004 01:40:17 PM 3 Views
No, it isn't. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:41:25 PM 4 Views
Yes, it is. It's not just contradiction. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:44:57 PM 3 Views
Look, if I argue with you, I must up a contrary position! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:45:53 PM 4 Views
Yes, but that's not just saying "no, it isn't"! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:46:45 PM 3 Views
Yes, it is! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:48:06 PM 5 Views
No, it isn't! - 29/04/2004 01:50:06 PM 3 Views
... No, it isn't. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:51:05 PM 4 Views
Yes, it is! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:52:19 PM 3 Views
Not at all. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:53:40 PM 4 Views
Now, look - ! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:54:26 PM 3 Views
Good morning! *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:55:41 PM 5 Views
What? *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:56:27 PM 3 Views
That's it. Good morning. *NM* - 29/04/2004 01:58:10 PM 4 Views
It was just getting interesting! *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:00:18 PM 3 Views
Sorry. The five minutes is up. *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:02:20 PM 4 Views
That was never five minutes! *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:03:42 PM 3 Views
I'm afraid it was. *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:06:19 PM 4 Views
It wasn't. *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:09:14 PM 3 Views
I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to argue any more. *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:10:39 PM 4 Views
WHAT?! *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:11:28 PM 3 Views
If you want me to go on arguing, - 29/04/2004 02:12:55 PM 5 Views
But that was never five minutes just now, oh come on! *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:14:23 PM 3 Views
Damdidam.. hmmm. ~hum~ *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:17:18 PM 3 Views
Oh, fark off! *walks away with dignity* *NM* - 29/04/2004 02:18:34 PM 2 Views
*clears throat and looks away* *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:31:09 PM 5 Views
Out of the girls I win - 29/04/2004 06:25:32 PM 4 Views
Oo ooh, i know the answer... - 29/04/2004 07:06:24 PM 5 Views