I mean if at least all the Catholics listed to him I would be happy. But I mean look at Kerry, a "Catholic" who continually votes pro-abortion even though the Catholic theaching is that it is the murder of childeren (I'm pretty sure we can all understand why that would be a bad enough thing for the chrch to put preasure on polititians. It would be nice if we followed the guidance of our spiritual leader but alas many Catholics have decided to ignore that part our faith.
That one can believe that abortion is wrong and still be pro-choice. I believe that suicide is wrong in most cases (hurts your family and friends--a lot), but I don't think it should be *illegal*. Similarily, you can think that something is *wrong*, but shouldn't necessarily be illegal, because the purpose of laws is to create a smoothly-running society with a minimum of interpersonal harm, not a "moral" society. If he were pro-choice in a Catholic *theocracy*, your point would make sense.
I am not yet born, console me.
I fear that the human race may with tall walls wall me,
with strong drugs dope me, with wise lies lure me,
on black racks rack me, in blood-baths roll me.