Sorry guys, there are just so many of ya here, I'm going to have to make the comments shorter than last time.
Captain Psyko
Very cool games board poster. He knows what he's talking about, and writes some good stuff. Hard worker on the OF section as well. Seems to be on a little hiatus from the site though. Hope he's back soon.
That whole bathrobe thing was hilarious.
Possesses the uncanny talent to be more eloquent in one word than most are with a whole slew of em.
Clover. . .ah, she was a sweetheart. Somehow managed to capture the interests of the entire site in the space of a few months. I'd say she's practically the only one in the history of this site to avoid the whole newb phase.
Good guy to have around when you have a tech problem.
Heckuva writer. Other than that, I don't know much about him.
I don't care what y'all say, Jack is second. THIS is the funniest guy on the site.
I don't know you that well, but you always crack me up. Cheers man.
Games board poster with a tendency for long, well thought out reviews. Very active member, and good to have around. His posts are worth reading. Unlike the stuff a certain games board admin tends to put out.
Nice girl. Gets a bit too into certain things at times, but overall a fun person to have around.
Swedish guy (if I remember right) who posts at the games board now and again. Go games board.
Heh, yet another I know from the games board. She came to the board, made herself the second most active poster for a couple months, and then. . .disappeared. Certainly made the board more interesting having a female regular for a while though.
Denice Sedai
Threadjacker extraordinaire! Always seems able to come up with a funny answer, even to my most stupid threadjacking response.
Used to be one of the games boards best known guys. He was an awesome guy, but unfortunately, (and this is according to him) he got a real life some time ago. Hasn't even logged into the site in ages.
Works tirelessly in nearly every aspect of this site, and is definitely one of the more active members of the team. Hard working, funny, good sigs, the whole package.
The big OF bossman himself. One thing in particular I admire about larry is the way he'll talk to anyone as if they really know what they're talking about. If a newb comes along and makes a bad post, or posts something old, most people blast him or ignore him for it. Larry, on the other hand, always seems to try and salvage the situation. He'll provide intelligent conversation even if the topic is months old, and I've even seen him discuss moronic harry potter theories with some newb before. That takes guts. Add to that the fact that he's read every book that's ever been written, and I couldn't think of a better guy to head up OF.