CalmB4theStorm Had a thread chat with once, made me laugh, seems like a great person
ChorablissHe always makes me laugh, no matter what and I don't even know him that well.
CrazedWeasel such a nice person }
Crazy ol Lews Therin one word to him sporks! , He's a great guy who doesn't love sporks
Cupid I've talked to cupid only once, seems like a really nice person was very polite
Danu we are Part of the EE harem, she is cool and knows it
disturbed chaos Funny }
Drakhaun Bakkharr He had such a cool post this one time, seems highly intellignent
{Dylanfanatic Larry is such a nice guy
The Pink Panther
"I may disapprove of what you say, But I defend to the death your right to say it" -- Voltaire
The Crow
Peter Pan is my hero