I think you miss the underlying reason for her idea….she has taken my final, definitive rejection of her crone like self hard – she now knows that I will not go willingly to her foul embrace. Thus she has come up with another solution, a different, viler way of getting her putrid hands upon me. She seeks to draw you and others, such as the delightful Ms Wongs, into her depraved scheme. Reality has finally worked its charms up her.
Her plan to kidnap me and have her “dispose” of me is transparent – she would have me for herself to ravish as she pleases
She is a sad, desperate, fickle old Irish harpy and I will never fall into her clutches
John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone
Patternweaver's fiancé