I am aware of the fact that 90 percent of all girls are gonna hate me for this, but I am 100% behind that statement
I won't hate you for it, just not agree.
It refers to the movie Troy of course, which comes out soon.
May 14.
Let's face it: Orlie is totally overrateed lately, because he is "cute" (or something).
Eh. I don't agree. He's not the calibre actor of Johnny Depp, per se, but he's not bad.
Now, I know the main plot of Troy and the fate of a few characters. I don't know what's gonna happen to Paris though, who is played by Orlie, and I'd appreciate it if no one replied with any spoilers to that in here. Thanks.
Jessie won't tell then.
Bring me Orlie's head, Brad
And bring me his body.
Benjamin Arthur Hesketh
amor vincit omnia