You who have abandoned the Light and Jordan, blessed be his name! You have but the gradually shrinking amount of time to find the light again. I , the prophet of Jordan, simply give warning . . . TAKE HEED! Beg forgiveness, go to the WOT MB and beg forgiveness from those who still follow the light. Perhaps then you can be saved, accept JORDAN
back into your life and be saved!
Do not follow the path away from the light, I know most of you can change.
Remember, great joy remains for all who step into the light, and great sorrow and loneliness for its abandoners
. I am the prophet of jordan, hold thee to the Light and Jordan my brothers and sisters
, take heed my message.
The Duke of Wotmania.
"Ryan got made a king, Danielle cleaned up on Wheel of Fortune, and Maddy got molested by a dragon!"
Ohio Gathering 2008. Where were you when the we laid siege to the Magic Castle?
OCWIATJ Forever.