Funny guy, with cool science posts. So. Yeah.
Still around? Oh, well, cool lass.
Funny bloke. Never spoken to him much in chat...and next to no-where anywhere else, but still.
Your group met my group and the groups grouped and yo. Despite talking to you a coupla times in aim chat and that I really don't know you well at all. You seem cool though.
Went away, came back, still a cool guy. And he seems to have a fun job. Which sucks really.
Danae alThor
Yay danae! (So, I pronounce Danae to rhyme with that wrong?) Anyway, sporadic talks on the old IM thing. Cool lass.
The guy gives too much. To...or so it seems...pretty much everything he does. Which is kinda scary. And yet he still remains a nice guy. Which is scarier.
Jesus...what do I say here? Draggie is one of the single coolest peoples in the world evah. Just so...generous and amazing and everything. Yes. Easily among my favouristist people here. Easily. Hmm, this sounds kinda lame. Bah, she knows I think she rocks...and she SHOULD know that everyone loves her. Rawr. LOVE.
Again, sorry if I missed you out or whatever. I'm kinda just running through these.
Your favourite place is you and me.
Eat dirt, fascist herbivores!