I realized a huge pet peeve I have. Today, I had to go to the same building on campus twice, and both times I was heading up to the 4th (top) floor. Both times, I was late. SO I run to go get the elevator because, although I have to wait for the damn thing to get to the first floor (which takes a little while), it would take less time than actually trudging up the million steps to get to the fourth floor. *it's actually 6 flights, not 4 to get up there- the building is weird, don't ask* SO anyway. I finally get into the elevator, and BOTH TIMES right as I get in someone else rushes in too. I press "4" and of course, the person who just rushed in presses "2." TWO. THE NEXT FLOOR. I mean, I know I COULD walk to the 4th (6th) floor, but really, it WOULD take me a while, especially since I was late. But seriously, these people take the elevator to the second f*cking floor. Walk up the 20 steps, damn it.
hmmm maybe it's hypocritical, but I don't care. If my class had been on the second floor, I would have walked. But either way, my pet peeve is people who get into an elevator to go one flight, when I am late and going up to the top floor. *shrugs*
Anyone else have elevator issues?
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Owner of a Certificate for Amy Loveā¢