Captain Psyko Keith is my outlet for political knowledge. He's probably the most politically active person I know.
Chorabliss Dirty, perverted, politically active, Man who actually has thoughts of his own. He's probably the most opinionated person I know.. besides me Greg is a great friend, even though we had a rough start.
cmdjingJing is a bastard. And I mean that in the best possible way
Cobble Gaidin *stalk stalk* Eric is a great guy, good morals, great friend. He stands by his friends, and deserves nothing less than the best.
Corinth This guy is one of the smartest here. His WOT insites are among the best. He's not here as much as he used to be, but when he does post, I always try to read it.
Craig U of M sucks.. Oh, I mean ROCKS! GO BLUE. Craig is a good friend, even though he ditched me when I drove out to Ann Arbor. Definately worth talking to, he always brings a smile and a jauntily to chat
CrazedWeasel Love him. He's fun to talk to , and seems to always try to keep the peace.
Cupid My favorite flight attendent in the whole wide world Hope things are going better
damookster "Are you really bad ashes dad?" How tired are you of THAT? I love your posts, you always post the best stuff.. that chicken was hilarious! Keep up the great posting!
Di-new Di is a great friend, and a great family-woman. She always has a smile.. that is worth more than 100 pounds (kilos?) of gold.
Dorinde SedaiDori sweet Dori. She is the sweetest, nicest girl at wotmania.. WAIT that's not Dor! She's a GREAT friend, always willing to lend a shoulder or an ear. I don't think I'd make it though most word days w/out her! Oh, dor.. fetch me a beer, would ya?
draggie draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagie - great friend, always with a smile and an "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Druid Great posts, though I don't know him well otherwise.
Durandir Aussie..but great regardless I love his dungeon. He lets me go there whenever the "need" arises
Dylanfanatic well read. Did you know he knows spanish?
"Oatmeal and raisins, might as well be brown rice and broccoli. Maybe I should have a few more." ~ Tigr
By the way, I miss you too.~KB
This message last edited by Amyrlin on 4/29/2004 at 10:06:59 PM.