In your stats, which is higher: Your percentage of all posts or your percentage of all views?
Why do you think this is?
I'm a newbie. Many people here don't know me. If someone's in a hurry, he/ahe will only read posts made by people he/she knows.
What categories do you post in most? Why?
Don't care for categories. If I think I have something worth being said, I do so.
What categories do you read most? Why?
Don't care for categories. If the subject attracts me or if I'm bored, I read it.
Would you consider yourself a spammer?
Would you consider yourself a lurker?
Why do you think people do text smilies this way ":-)" instead of this way? "(-:" (yes, I know, a v. random question)
occidental culture. we write from left to right and from top to bottom.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)