In your stats, which is higher: Your percentage of all posts or your percentage of all views?
Messages Posted: 57 (0.31% of all posts)
Views of Your Messages: 793 (0.30% of all views)
But that means . . . almost thirteen views per post?
Why do you think this is?
Because I started posting more interesting posts. On the other boards I was more worried about posting many posts, but then I thought about how useless that was, so now I pick and choose where to post.
What categories do you post in most? Why?
No idea. The categories rarely register in my brain when I'm clicking the link. Rarest in sports.
What categories do you read most? Why?
See above.
Would you consider yourself a spammer?
I used to be. Not anymore. A little, I guess. More of a passive spammer.
Would you consider yourself a lurker?
More than in the past?
Why do you think people do text smilies this way ":-)" instead of this way? "(-:" (yes, I know, a v. random question)
No idea. I think that (-: Just looks backwards, personally. My question is why people use the :smile: option instead of the :) option. It just takes up more space, and less people understand it IRL.
Thank you!
I seldom fling children from towers to improve their health.