What do you do in China? Do you speak chinese? Are you two feet taller than everyone else?
1. I went to China - Yunnan Province - to visit the mining and metals operations of a Chinese client of ours - lead/zinc mines, smelters & refineries, as well as an aluminium refinery. So good they are scary.
2. I do not speak Mandarin, or putonghua as they call it. I have nice people who do holding my hand.
3. They are about 1.65-1.75 metres tall. I am 1.85 metres tall, so I normally beat them by four to eight inches
But the height thinggy is not good when they design for people under 1.70 metres tall. It is not good walking along a mine tunnel with a live bare electric cable at 1.80 metres next to your ear - they run trolley locomotives that have a thinggy sticking up to the wire to get the power.
Stunning place. Where I was it was about 8,500' up with scenery very similar to the northern hilly bits of the Austrian Alps between Vienna and Salzburg.
Food is another matter. I had stir-fried grass root. My Chinese hosts ate 99.99% of that dish
Also, as I get older, I get less tolerant of not being with people for whom English is not the language they think in. It was fine when I was your age, but now......a week is all I can handle. I imagine you have the same issue in Jena
The Old Man of Oz
Object of Desire (retired)
The People's Front For Wongy Jnr.
"I blame Alric"