So it rained and thundered in boston today. First time this year I heard thunder . I heard it was snowing in michigan . . . wish I was there. Anyways, a survey on weather
1. Tell tell, what is your favorite type of weather, your idealistical day ?
2. What is your least favorite type of weather, a lamentable day for you ?
3. Do you look forward to any particular season of weather, do you look forward to the end of any particular season?
4. Are you afraid of thunderstorms? Do you love thunderstorms? Do you think they are beautiful or terrible, or just generally wish they were elsewhere?
5. Isn't snow the most beautiful of all nature's creations ?
6. Either or . . . hot or cold? rain or snow? windy or calm? humid or dry? thunderstorms or blizzards?
It feels awhile since I did a magictrolloc short survey . Thanks for answering
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I'm a bad trolloc