In your stats, which is higher: Your percentage of all posts or your percentage of all views?
I think its quite different on all the boards. For an overall aggregate guess my percantage of posts is higher.
Why do you think this is?
I have made lots of *NM* posts, and rarely start threads.
What categories do you post in most? Why?
What categories do you read most? Why?
I don't know. I rarely look at the topics - titles and posters are more impotant factors in my clicking decision. I guess I post more in current events / politics or sports most of all though. Possibly.
Would you consider yourself a spammer?
Would you consider yourself a lurker?
Used to be for a long time. Not any more though.
Why do you think people do text smilies this way ":-)" instead of this way? "(-:" (yes, I know, a v. random question)
No idea.
Aviendha's Englishman