1. His caring heart! I've never met any man with as generous a heart as his!
2. His laugh! it can make the darkest day brighten up.
3. His voice. Its tones and nuances strike a chord in my soul and help calm me, and help me bring life into perspective.
4. His perceptions..about people and about life. I love his take on the world, it's so nice to be able to see it through his eyes every now and again.
5. His beautiful eyes! I could get lost in the depths contained in them.
6. His sense of humor...sooo much different than my own, but so funny, and witty even!
7. His loyalty: he is a stalwart friend to the ones he lets into his inner circle, and he loves his family, and cares for and respects his parents.
8. His patience...I am constantly amazed at the amount of patience he shows on a daily basis.
9. His strength. I admire him sooo much!
10. (do I have to stop at 10?) All the things that make him...HIM! The little things, the good and bad, the life he has experinced so far, and his hopes for the future. I just love him, completely and fully.
Something good about yesterday/today: Being able to be with my kids all day yesterday, speaking with Tom almost the entire day, and today the sky is so blue, and the weather so warm, it makes me want to spend the day driving around with my winbows down!
Sprite Sedai's favorite Aunt!