Aemon matt's cool, even if he is a soccer obssessed DDR nerd
AlannaDawn bridget is like so uber awesome I can't describe it
Alexia she's cool, did hate me, but now we're freinds and stuff, and she knows my name
Alfheimthe master of the threadjackers guild, and the one true god of wotmania
Amyrlin yay it's amy amy's nice and kind to me, even though I hate babies
anonymous_sedai claire is cool and funny, and best of all perverted
B.Alicia betty is nice and stuff, though computer illiterate, is cool
Birgitte_wot I haven't seen her in ages, but she was fun to talk to
golden_lily: "This song make my butt dance!"
golden_lily:"i want to emotionally scar you"
golden_lily, about her breasts: "they're just a handful, they're perfect"