~Ever "wanted" someone in that way and had difficulty letting them know?
Not terribly often. I'm not shy about lust, i'm terribly shy about love though.
~Do you "kiss and tell"?
I'd like to say that I dont, but what can I say? I like to brag
~When kissing, do you "rate" your partner?
Maybe subcosciously, but no, not really.
~Guys, when you look do you do it bravely, or hide it from you SO?
I dont really hide it. Here's the thing though. If I really care for a girl, I wont look. I wont see any reason to. But if I do look i'd expect her to respect that thats all it is. Me admiring a girl. Not wanting, just admiring.
~Are you "touchy/feely" or more "hands off!"?
I can be a little of both depending on the mood.
~Do you flirt with a lot of people, when in a group, to distract attention when you are flirting with someone you really want?
Um. No.
~What's better, foreplay or the "main event"?
Both are equally excellent
~If someone hits on your SO do you get over it, or forever hold a grudge? If they didn't know he/she was your SO?
It doesnt really bother me that much unless its someone who should seriously know better, and would know that it might hurt me. Even then i'd just be annoyed.
Lame? Yes, but there is a question here I really want an answer to
The Duke of Wotmania.
"Ryan got made a king, Danielle cleaned up on Wheel of Fortune, and Maddy got molested by a dragon!"
Ohio Gathering 2008. Where were you when the we laid siege to the Magic Castle?
OCWIATJ Forever.