~Ever "wanted" someone in that way and had difficulty letting them know?
~Do you "kiss and tell"?
~When kissing, do you "rate" your partner?
~Girls, do you "dress to impress" the guys even when you aren't looking?
~Guys, when you look do you do it bravely, or hide it from you SO?
~Are you "touchy/feely" or more "hands off!"?
~Do you flirt with a lot of people, when in a group, to distract attention when you are flirting with someone you really want?
~What's better, foreplay or the "main event"?
~If someone hits on your SO do you get over it, or forever hold a grudge? If they didn't know he/she was your SO?
Lame? Yes, but there is a question here I really want an answer to
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
Missed and loved
Kory Joe